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Consumers can now find whatever they need right from the internet in the digital age. Businesses must contend with competitors and attract customers through their websites, e-commerce portals, and social media.
The number of people visiting these online platforms has become an essential metric for assessing visibility, reach, and the potential to secure business opportunities. To help you draw in more potential customers and translate them into actual sales, here are four proven strategies for online lead generation.
Search engine optimization (SEO) refers to tools and practices that build your online space to be more “friendly” toward search engines. A survey from 2018 reveals that a vast majority (87 percent) of shoppers first search about a product or service they need before making a purchasing decision. By setting your website or social media page with best SEO practices, you help in boosting the website’s visibility by appearing higher on the search engine results page (SERPs). The more authority you have on the subject, the more you turn up in user searches.
Proper SEO strategies often include the following:
Generating SEO content. Websites need to contain carefully crafted content. It should include good keywords and remain accessible and engaging to read. Blogging can help SERP scores, which in turn increases your online visibility.
Use of links to other content. Inbound links are those from other websites going to your site, while outbound links are the opposite. In doing so, you increase the reliability of your website through the indirect endorsement you get from linked locations on the internet.
Using proper content structure. Search engines are automated, using AI to crawl through billions of content on the internet. Use the proper formats for titles, headers, and subheaders to make finding your content easier for search engines.
This strategy refers to a marketing approach that focuses on meaningful and consistent content to attract customers, build trust, and develop a lead generation system. Content marketing is widespread for brands using social media to connect and engage with their target market segment.
It is vital to have a clear brand strategy to guide all subsequent efforts in content marketing. It usually starts with a brand identity you wish to communicate with the audience. This branding includes the design and the statement you want to make. By consistently generating website content, social media posts, and creating digital business cards around this brand identity, people start associating your company with a particular keyword, emotion, or a set of colors.
Additionally, a consistent content marketing strategy serves as an autonomous lead generation system. Imagine the first wave of potential customers recommending your products or services to their friends and relatives, or they start sharing your social media posts for other people to see. The vast audience is drawn to your brand, generating a new set of leads that can potentially turn into sales.
The main strength of this approach is that it is an organic marketing strategy. It is relatively more cost-efficient for businesses to adopt, although it has a limited range and could take more time to build.
Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising refers to an online marketing strategy where an advertiser pays a fee every time their ad is clicked. As the business owner, you pay for every visit directed to your site instead of organically earning your leads and traffic. If you have the resources, you can consider this approach for generating additional leads. Similarly, you can use the same strategy to earn money by hosting ads on your website leading to other products and services.
A particular example of a PPC campaign is search engine advertising. This approach allows brands to directly display their ads among the SERPs of a search engine like Google or Yahoo. When a user searches for a relevant keyword, your website appears on top of the results page. However, note that search engines indicate that these are paid advertisements.
Usually, PPC operates through an auction-based system. Advertisers bid on the keywords they need for their specific business. However, it is important to note that the bid offered is not necessarily equivalent to the actual cost per click.
A PPC campaign is a quick and easy method for generating leads for your website. It is flexible, easy to configure, and can be launched in just a few hours.
A white paper is a technical document issued by a company that promotes its products, highlights its strengths, and addresses common inquiries about the product offered. It can be posted on your website, free of access, or be distributed through third-party services with established mailing lists. This method is the preferred approach for technical industries such as finance or engineering. Government entities also use white papers to gauge public response to possible policy making efforts.
White papers are prevalent in the cryptocurrency market as a lead generation strategy. New currencies pop up every time, and to persuade potential investors to support the newcomer, a white paper is often presented. White papers detail the blockchain technology to be used in cryptocurrencies, its value projection for the following years, and its plans and measures to protect data. Presenting ideas well and addressing the relevant issues allay investor fears and encourage them to invest.
By adopting the right marketing strategy, you can generate leads for your website. Each of these methods increases the chances of your website being seen by the potential customers and, when implemented correctly, could serve as an effective marketing funnel. Ultimately, the objective is to influence the customer’s purchasing decision.
Still, several factors contribute to an effective funnel. You might have the means to draw traffic, but all efforts could amount to nothing with a poorly-designed website waiting for them. Make sure you have an online space that ensures the best customer experience. Contact a reliable web development firm today and provide an airtight lead generation system for your company.
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